Code of Behaviour

The Athlete and the Sun

Exposure to the sun's harmful ultraviolet radiation leads to changes in the skin and can lead to skin cancer. Prevention and early detection are the keys to reducing the risk of developing cancer. While it is recommended that you stay out of the sun during the middle of the day (10.00am – 2.00 pm) athletics meetings and many other sporting events do not always allow this to happen.

For effective protection from the sun and its harmful ultraviolet rays while at Little Athletics events you should:

  • use shade wherever possible
  • wear tight weave clothing that covers the body
  • wear wide brimmed hats
  • wear close fitting, wrap around sunglasses that meet the Australian Standard
  • apply a broad spectrum SPF30+ sunscreen

Always remember to:

  • SLIP on a shirt SLOP on SPF 30+ sunscreen
  • SLAP on a hat WRAP on some UVR resistant sunglasses

Codes of Behaviour


  • Compete according to the rules
  • Any form of cheating is unacceptable
  • Never argue with an official. If you disagree with an official, have your club protest officer, coach or manager follow the appropriate procedure in order to question the decision
  • Control your temper. Verbal or physical abuse of officials or other athletes, deliberately distracting or provoking another athlete is not acceptable or permitted
  • Work equally hard for yourself and/or for your club/centre as both will benefit
  • Be a good sport. Applaud all good performances whether they are by your club/centre, your opponent or the other club/centre
  • Treat all athletes as you would like to be treated. Do not interfere with, bully or take unfair advantage of anther athlete.
  • Co-operate with your coach, club-mates and opponents. Without them, there would be no competition.
  • Compete for the “fun of it” and not just to please parents, coaches and spectators
  • Avoid the use of bad language, and/or derogatory language based on gender, race, colour or religion
  • Substance abuse of any kind is unacceptable
  • Be prepared to be accountable for your actions


  • Encourage children to participate, it they are interested. However, if a child is not willing, do not force them
  • Remember that children are involved in Little Athletics for their enjoyment, not yours
  • Focus upon the child's efforts and performance rather that the overall outcome of the event. This assists the child in setting realistic goals related to their ability by reducing the emphasis on winning
  • Teach children that an honest effort is as important as victory, so that the result of each event is accepted without undue disappointment
  • Encourage children to always participate according to the rules
  • Never ridicule or yell at a child for making a mistake or losing an event
  • Remember that children learn best from example. Applaud participation by all athletes
  • If you disagree with an official, raise the issue through the appropriate channels rather than questioning the official's judgment and honesty in public. Remember that officials give their time and effort for your child's involvement
  • Support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse from sporting activities
  • Recognise the value and importance of volunteer coaches. They give of their time and resources to provide recreational activities for the children and deserve your support.
  • Avoid the use of bad language and/or derogatory language based on gender, race, colour or religion
  • Demonstrate appropriate social behaviour by not harassing athletes, coaches or officials, smoking in competition areas, or being intoxicated
  • Substance abuse of any kind is unacceptable
  • Turn defeat into victory by encouraging your child to work toward skill improvement, good sportsmanship, and attaining personal best performances.


  • Remember that children participate in Little Athletics for fun. They are not competing for the entertainment of spectators, nor are they miniature professionals
  • Applaud good performances and efforts from each athlete. Congratulate all participants upon their performance regardless of the events outcome
  • Respect the official's decisions. If there is a disagreement, follow the appropriate procedure in order to question the decision and teach the children to do likewise
  • Never ridicule or scold a child for making a mistake during competition. Positive comments are motivational
  • Condemn the use of violence in any form, be it by spectators, coaches, officials or athletes
  • Show respect for each athlete. Without them, there would be no competition
  • Encourage athletes to follow the rules and the official's decisions
  • Demonstrate appropriate social behaviour by not harassing athletes, coaches, or officials, smoking in competition areas, or being intoxicated
  • Avoid the use of bad language and/or derogatory language based on gender, race, colour or religion
  • Substance abuse of any kind is unacceptable
  • Keep to designated spectator areas and do not encroach onto the arena or other competition areas


  • Complement all athletes on their efforts. Commend honest effort, not just performance excellence
  • Encourage all athletes equally
  • Encourage the principles of participation for fun and enjoyment
  • Be consistent, objective and courteous in calling all infractions
  • Officiate according to the rules and where subjective judgment is necessary, decide on the basis of what is fair to all athletes
  • Where appropriate, explain rules and/or decisions to athletes
  • Condemn unsporting behaviour and promote respect for all opponents
  • Use common sense to ensure that the “spirit of the competition” for children is not lost by over officiating
  • Ensure that your behaviour is consistent with the principles of good sporting behaviour. Actions speak louder than words
  • Ensure equipment and facilities meet safety standards and are appropriate to the age and ability of the athletes
  • Where a breach of any Code of Behaviour occurs and a verbal warning is not deemed to be appropriate, or does not have the desired effect, then the Arena Manager is to be notified immediately
  • Make a personal commitment to keep yourself informed of sound officiating principles and rule changes
  • Co-operate with other officials to discourage improper conduct by athletes and/or spectators
  • Demonstrate appropriate social behaviour by not smoking during events, or being intoxicated
  • Avoid the use of bad language, and/or derogatory language based on gender, race, colour or religion
  • Substance abuse of any kind is unacceptable


  • Ensure equal opportunities for participation in athletics are made available to all children within the defined age groups, regardless of their ability, size, shape, sex, disability or ethnic origin
  • Ensure that all equipment and facilities are safe and appropriate to the ability level of participating athletes
  • Ensure rules, equipment, events and training schedules take into consideration the age, ability and maturity level of the participating athletes
  • Ensure adequate supervision is provided by competent coaches and officials capable of developing appropriate positive behaviour and skill technique
  • Involve where appropriate, athletes in the planning, leadership, ad decision making related to the activity
  • Remember athletes participate for enjoyment and play down the importance of rewards
  • Focus on the needs of the athletes rather than the enjoyment of the spectators
  • Provide clinics aimed at improving the standards of coaching and officiating with the emphasis on appropriate behaviour and skill technique
  • Assist with the development of administration
  • Avoid the use of bad language, and/or derogatory language based on gender, race, colour or religion
  • Substance abuse of any kind is unacceptable.


  • Be reasonable in your demands on athlete's time, energy and enthusiasm
  • Take into consideration the maturity level of the athletes when scheduling and determining the length of training times and selection of events
  • Teach athletes the rules of Little Athletics are mutual agreements which no one should evade or break
  • Group athletes according to age and physical maturity wherever possible to give a reasonable chance of success
  • Avoid over-coaching the better performing athletes. All athletes deserve and need equal time
  • Remember children participate for fun and enjoyment and winning is only part of their motivation. Never ridicule or yell at children for making mistakes or losing an event
  • Ensure equipment and facilities meet safety standards and are appropriate to the age and ability of the athletes
  • Develop athletes to have a respect for the ability of other athletes as well as for the judgment of officials and coaches
  • Follow the advice of a physician when determining when an injured athlete is ready to recommence training or competition
  • Make a personal commitment to keep yourself informed of sound coaching principles and the principles of growth and development of children
  • Remember that athletes need a coach they can respect. Be generous with your praise when it is deserved for effort and skill. Set a good example, not only with your behaviour, but also with dress and equipment
  • Demonstrate appropriate social behaviour by not harassing athletes, other coaches or officials, smoking or being intoxicated at Little Athletics
  • Avoid the use of bad language, and/or derogatory language based on gender, race, colour or religion
  • Substance abuse of any kind is unacceptable

Breaches of Code of Behaviour

Any breach of a code of behaviour, should be reported to the Arena Manager who will investigate the alleged breach, and take whatever action is deemed to be appropriate. Where the Arena Manager is not present, the report should be lodged with the Field Referee or the Centre Protest Officer.

Breaches of codes of behaviour may be dealt with as detailed below:


  • Explanation of actions requested
  • Verbal warning
  • The athlete's parents or coach informed conduct and of this warning
  • Written warning to athlete and/or club
  • Disqualification from the particular event
  • Disqualification from all remaining events on that day
  • Disqualification from competition for a period deemed to be appropriate


  • Explanation of actions requested
  • Verbal warning
  • Request for apology
  • Request to leave competition area for a cooling off period
  • Request to leave the competition area for the remainder of the days competition
  • Ban from the competition area for a period as deemed to be appropriate
  • Police presence requested


  • Explanation of actions requested
  • Verbal warning
  • Release from officiating duties
  • Ban from officiating duties for a period deemed to be appropriate
  • Ban from competition area for a period deemed to be appropriate
  • The competition area is defined as the entire grounds used for competition up to and including all boundary fences/lines, and including club tents, spectators area, canteen, toilets and change rooms, but excludes car park area and Softball area.


  • Explanation of actions requested
  • Verbal warning
  • Request for resignation from Centre Executive
  • Dismissal from Centre Executive
  • Any actions in relation to breaches of code of behaviour by an administrator shall be made at an Executive Meeting


  • Explanation of actions requested
  • Verbal warning
  • If official coach for the Centre, dismissal from coach position
  • If club coach, details of breach advised to respective club for their action

Protests and Appeals


An athlete may make an enquiry to an Official regarding the running of an event, the rules applicable to the event, interpretations of the rules, or a decision by the Official. All contacts with officials shall be courteous and polite, and no public disagreement or argument shall be tolerated.


A protest may be lodged for a number of reasons including, but not limited to the following:

  • Breach of rules
  • Breach of a code of behaviour
  • Interference in an event
  • Bullying
  • Disqualification in an event
  • Decisions of Officials


An appeal may be lodged following the dismissal of a protest, or to appeal a decision of the Arena Manager.

Final Appeal

A final appeal may be lodged with the Appeal Panel following the dismissal of an appeal.

Lodging of Protest/Appeal

  • Protests and appeals may only be lodged by the clubs Protest Officer, or in their absence, the Club Manager or Coach
  • Protests and appeals are to be lodged in writing with the Centre Protest Officer, or the Arena Manager, together with a fee of $50.00.
  • Fee of $50.00 will be forfeited if the protest or appeal is dismissed
  • The lodging of an appeal or a final appeal following an unsuccessful protest or appeal, shall not incur any additional fee.

Hearing of Protest

  • Protests shall be heard and decided upon by the Arena Manager, or in the Arena Manager's absence, the Centre Protest Officer or Field Referee
  • The Arena Manager shall investigate the protest giving consideration to all reasonably available evidence, and shall make a decision based there on
  • The Arena Manager may consult with other members of the Centre Executive as appropriate in determining a decision

Hearing of Appeals

  • Appeals shall be heard by an Appeal Panel comprising the Centre Protest Officer, the Arena Manager, the Field Referee, and Protest Officers, or club representatives from all clubs
  • The Appeals Panel may still hear an appeal if not all members as above are present, providing a minimum of 3 persons are present.
  • The Appeals Panel shall investigate the appeal taking into consideration all the reasonably available evidence, and make a decision there on. This evidence shall include any athletes involved, officials from the site involved, other witnesses, and any other available evidence deemed to be appropriate, including video evidence
  • A decision should be made as soon as possible following the lodging of an appeal, but the Appeals Panel may take as much time as is considered to be reasonable to determine a just and fair outcome
  • Decisions of the Appeal Panel shall be made by a majority vote
  • Protest Officers of the club/s involved, are not eligible to partake in the voting
  • If the appeal is against a decision of the Arena Manager, then the Arena Manager shall not be eligible to vote on the decision
  • No bias shall be given to any party regardless of status or position

Lodging a Final Appeal on a Decision of the Appeals Panel

  • A final appeal against a decision of the appeals Panel must be in writing and be addressed to the Centre Chairperson
  • This appeal must be lodged within 7 days of the Appeals Panel's decision being handed down
  • This appeal will be heard at the next Centre Executive meeting, or a special meeting may be called
  • The Centre Executive will review the decisions made, the evidence the decision was based on, and any new evidence presented
  • The Centre Executive may at their discretion, request the attendance of any parties involved to the Executive meeting. Non-attendance by any requested party shall not prevent the Centre Executive from proceeding with its investigation and decision making
  • The decision of the Centre Executive shall be binding and no further correspondence shall be entered into.